10 Secrets: How To Make A Man
Emotionally Addicted to You

Are you starting to feel like your man is losing interest in you? Does he ignore your texts constantly? Do you have his full attention when you are talking to him? Are you asking yourself if he is still deeply in love with you? It is a bit annoying to be taken for granted, but you can still change that! 



In such a short time, you can make your man deeply obsessed with you again just like the time he was wooing you. 

Men may have different personalities, but if there is one thing common with all of them, it’s their psychology. Which, fortunately, is very easy to read. 

Almost all of them want the same qualities in women. Treat your man like a hero for a day and he will feel macho for a whole week; just like if you dominate him in bed, he will turn submissive!

Men are simple creatures, they do not ask for much in a relationship. But you still have to have dedication if you want to keep their attention for long. 

We are not just talking about physical appearance or sex appeal; it is much deeper than that. 

You also have to fully know yourself if you want your man to go crazy over you! Here are 10 secret ways to make him feel obsessed with you.


1. He’ll Be Obsessed When You’re You


man kissing woman's forehead


Okay, this may be cliché but if it still works until now, then it must be a good tip, right? 

Anyway, if you want your man to be deeply obsessed with you, you have to fully accept yourself and just be you when you are around him. 

Men may be the simplest creatures but they are not stupid. They can easily sense if you are trying too hard or if you are faking something. 

You don’t have to worry if you have flaws because everyone does! Do not be afraid to show him the real you, even your negative sides. 

Your man would surely prefer if you are transparent with him and besides, as the relationship progresses, your true colors would come out eventually. So why not show it from the start?

2. In Men’s Psychology, Confidence is Sexy


grayscale photography of man and woman hugging near hill

Are you the type who easily gets shy? 

Do you proudly show your talent when people request you to sing? 

Can you confidently face people when you really have to, or do you cower behind your man whenever you attend parties or hang-outs? 

If so, you have low self-esteem and it is only natural that your man will lose his interest in you.

We all know that it’s not really easy to be confident when you are naturally introverted, but being confident doesn’t necessarily mean you have to mingle with people you’re not acquainted with, or that you have to laugh out loud to be the center of attention. 

It’s mostly about feeling secure with yourself. When a man sees you being comfortable with who you are or treating yourself special, he will feel proud of you even more, become obsessed, and will make an extra effort to show other people that you’re his woman.


3. Have Strong Affirmation to Your Standards and Beliefs


woman riding on back of man


If you always submit to your man just so you can avoid arguments or useless feuds with him, you’re not making him see your worth. 

If you think that he will treat you as someone he needs in his life because you always let him have his way, you’re wrong. 

By doing this, you are the one who looks more obsessed because you fear upsetting him and pushing him away. 

He will take you for granted even more because you let him get used to thinking that your purpose is to agree with him whenever you have a disagreement. 

Because of this, he can’t see the possibility of you being gone because you always give in. Stick to your beliefs and opinions. Show your man that you have your own mind, standards, and perceptions in life.


4. In Men’s Psychology, Being Authoritative is Hot!


two persons staring at each other


When we say demanding, it is completely different from being way too bossy or from being a nagger. 

Although a lot of men like to be bossed around by their women, doing so too often will make them raise their eyebrows at you. 

You might be demanding so much from him that he’s starting to feel as if he’s losing the right to make decisions within your relationship.

If there is anything that men secretly hate, it is being controlled. In a relationship, the one who is usually in control of most things is your man. 

However, even he needs a break every now and then. However, if he is confident that he has a woman who can take over, he’ll love you even more and treat you as one of the most important and special parts of his life. 

Let him know what you want but also subtly demand for it. Show him that you can be as authoritative as him while not overdoing it.

5. Be a Kind Woman


man kissing woman in grass area


If there is something that a man will look for in his Ms. Right, it’s not your eyebrows being ‘on fleek’, it’s not how sexy your dresses are, or how good you are in bed — although they’re certainly included too. 

While factors, there’s something much more important than all of these and that is your attitude towards other people. 

Don’t believe those who are saying that goody-two-shoe women are old-fashioned and that men don’t like them, because that’s just wrong! 

When you are someone who is kind to your man and to others, people will like you and have a good impression of you. Your man will be prouder, show you off, and will become deeply obsessed with you.

6. Be mysterious 

low angle photograph of man and woman kissing

Have you ever left a date feeling mentally drained, or like you knew everything there was to know about a man? If so, you probably had little interest in seeing him again.

The same rings true for men.

If you’re the kind of woman who takes over a conversation or shares everything from your childhood memories to your deepest secrets then he’s isn’t going to be compelled to call you.

Instead of spilling your heart out to him it’s important that you hold back some information, and keep him coming around for more.

Also note that this isn’t only for in-person conversations, but it applies to text messages, phone calls, online messaging, the works.

To find out how tricks to keep your man coming back for more, click here and watch this free video from relationship expert, Amy North.


7. Take Care of Yourself


man and woman surrounded by red and green floral trees during daytime


One mistake a woman can make in a relationship is to give all of her attention to a man to the point that she takes herself for granted. You have to know that by doing this, you are not making your man realize your value — he won’t become obsessed with someone that he doesn’t consider important.

Who would? Never ignore your needs just so you can give more than enough to your man. 

Take care and love yourself — this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to completely look like a model but don’t forget about your proper hygiene. 

Take a bath every day, brush your teeth after every meal, and fix your hair. Remember that your man was attracted to your looks when he first saw you, not with what you could give him. 

If you’re starting to look unappealing, he will surely lose interest in you. 

Men’s psychology in relationships is very easy to understand — they become more obsessed when they notice their woman getting prettier and prettier every day.

8. Give Balance to the Relationship


two people sitting beside each other


Relationships that last longer are usually those where couples understand each other very much because they share common interests. 

While this is the case for most relationships, it doesn’t necessarily work for all relationships. One secret you should know that will make your man deeply in love and obsessed with you is to balance what already exists. 

Work on strengthening aspects that are not in your relationship. For example, if your man has low self-esteem, you have to be the one who’s confident. 

If your man plays a musical instrument, you have to be his special singer. If he’s a dog person you have to be the cat person, and so on! Make the relationship exciting by filling the void that’s missing.

Men's Thought About When A Guy Ignores You But Likes You Inside
A common complaint among women is that the guys they like keep on sending mixed messages concerning their relationship’s status. 

9. Be Passionate About What You Love


woman holding paint brush


In men’s psychology, when your significant other sees something unique and special, he desires to make it his own and ignores the common things around him. 

That’s what you have to do to make him feel obsessed with you — show him what makes you special.

If you are good at playing an instrument, find an opportunity to play in front of him. If you are a painter, surprise him with your very own painting of his portrait. 

If you have aspirations for the future, don’t be afraid to tell him that you’re going to achieve your goals no matter what. 

If your man sees that you are passionate about your talents and skills, and that you are dedicated to making yourself better, he’ll become completely obsessed with you because you are making him think that he won’t ever find someone like you.


10. Make Your Man Obsess by Being Subtle


woman sitting on brown wooden chair while using silver laptop computer in room


One mistake that women make in their relationships is trying too hard to keep their men’s attention. It’s okay to have exchanges of ‘I love you’ but don’t overdo it to the point where you have to say it on every text message. 

It’s okay to compliment your man but don’t act as if he’s on a pedestal and you’re worshiping him.

When you’re trying too hard to show your admiration, what makes you think he’d go crazy over you? Well, you have to know that’s not how men’s psychology works. 

You have to be subtle sometimes. Some men like it when their women play hard to get. Don’t forget to balance; push him up but let there be times where he has to ask for it first.


11. (BONUS) Be Unavailable Sometimes 


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Just because you’re in a relationship doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your time for yourself to always be available for the other person. 

You still have your work, responsibilities, and personal affairs to attend to. Besides, in men’s psychology, they don’t want to be shadowed around too much. 

Which means that you’re not making him go crazy over you if you are always there.

Make yourself unavailable sometimes — this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re not going to help him in moments where he’s in need of real support — you just have to let him get up on his feet sometimes. 

Show him that you are a busy person too, and that you still have your own life. This way, he’ll get curious about what you’re up to and will ask for your time and you won’t have to pester him for company.

…Are you frustrated with men?


Then I highly recommend you check out this free video by relationship expert Amy North.

Finding the right guy and building a relationship with him isn’t as easy as swiping left or right.

I’ve been in contact with countless women who start dating someone only to encounter really serious red flags.

Or they’re stuck in a relationship that’s just not working for them.

No one wants to waste their time. We just want to find the person that we’re meant to be with. We all – both women and men – want to be in a deep passionate relationship.

But how do you find the right man for you and establish a happy, satisfying relationship with him?

Maybe you need to enlist the help of a professional relationship coach…

Introducing a breakthrough new book


I recently discovered a great book that can make a huge, practical difference to your dating life.

I’ve reviewed a lot of dating books on Train Lives but The Devotion System by Amy North (pictured above) is the best one I have come across.

A professional relationship coach by trade, Amy offers up her own comprehensive advice on how to find, keep, and nurture a loving relationship to women everywhere.

This book can be helpful for any woman struggling to find and keep a quality man.

Now, I know what you may be thinking: Why am I (a guy) recommending a dating guide for women?

Well I actually have a personal connection to The Devotion System – a strong one.

(Watch a unique video introduction to The Devotion System below. Amy North also gives some free tips and techniques you can start using today)

Watch The Devotion System Video

The Devotion System helped me in a big way


I met my girlfriend 6 months ago (that’s us above). And she seemed to understand me from the get go. That, combined with her infectious personality, meant I was immediately hooked.

I’m still hooked. This is easily the best relationship I’ve been in, and touch wood, it’s going to be a long and happy one.

Soon after we started seeing each other my girlfriend confided in me that, before we met, she had been reading a lot about relationships and male psychology. And that one guide in particular had completely changed her approach to dating.

It was The Devotion System by Amy North.

My girlfriend says that The Devotion System resonated with her more than any other book. And that she wouldn’t have had the confidence to date and build a meaningful relationship with me without it.

As I write a lot about relationships on Hack Spirit, I knew I had to check it out. My girlfriend is armed with a pretty good bulls**t  detector, so if she found any book to be genuinely helpful, I want to find out more about it.

I decided to read The Devotion System from cover to cover and write my own honest, unbiased review of it. You can read my review here.

Now I know why my girlfriend spoke so highly of The Devotion System.

Amy North is smart, insightful and straightforward, she genuinely cares about her clients, and tells it exactly how it is. This was clear from the very start of the book.

Add to that actionable psychology and science-based tips on texting, flirting, reading him, seducing him, satisfying him and more, and you have a book that will be incredibly useful to its owner.

The Devotion System worked for my girlfriend. And I have no doubt it can work for you too.

If you’re frustrated by continuously meeting disappointing men or by your inability to build a relationship when a good one comes along, then this book is a must-read.

(Watch a unique video introduction to The Devotion System below. Amy North also gives some free tips and techniques you can start using today)

Watch The Devotion System Video